Hi my website is down. Last time I checked it was a couple months ago, and it worked perfectly fine. Now it's not working at all. The site is graalchat.com and I usebluehost. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Looks like the domain is hitting a bluehost landing page - this would suggest either something wrong with the domain name (such as it has expired) or the web hosting itself.
I would probably contact your host in the first instance.
Hi my website is down. Last time I checked it was a couple months ago, and it worked perfectly fine. Now it's not working at all. The site is graalchat.com and I usebluehost. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
There are 904 domains hosted on that IP (so you are on shared hosting) - so it is an issue with BlueHost.
You definitely need to contact them to resolve the issue as it is something in their shared hosting environment setup that is not recognizing your domain and routing it to your vhost definition.