Website design feedback

The address for the site is in the mockup, which made it a lot easier to edit the CSS and steal assets to make a half decent looking edit :p

That combined with a bit of help from Figma to put it all together.
The address for the site is in the mockup, which made it a lot easier to edit the CSS and steal assets to make a half decent looking edit :p

That combined with a bit of help from Figma to put it all together.
Ah, that makes sense. I thought you were insane with Photoshop and managed to do all that work that quickly, lol.
No, no, am insane and do work quickly! Disregard what I just said!

You guys think this is looking better for the header? I didn't get to the footer yet, or the images (it's an image slideshow, that's why the image is different).

It is looking cleaner yes!

It now looks like you made an indie film. The laurel leaves on each side of the name mimic a festival award look and I would rather see you be more whimsical there and tie in the pups! Maybe dog bones on each side with their names on each bone. Or their faces even (cartoony). That sorta thing.
It is looking cleaner yes!

It now looks like you made an indie film. The laurel leaves on each side of the name mimic a festival award look and I would rather see you be more whimsical there and tie in the pups! Maybe dog bones on each side with their names on each bone. Or their faces even (cartoony). That sorta thing.
I have an idea...
It is looking cleaner yes!

It now looks like you made an indie film. The laurel leaves on each side of the name mimic a festival award look and I would rather see you be more whimsical there and tie in the pups! Maybe dog bones on each side with their names on each bone. Or their faces even (cartoony). That sorta thing.
One of these dogs will need to be switched to a Pug, but I was thinking this might be cool. Maybe they should be in the header to replace the leaves though.

Not going to lie. The branches are giving me an in memoriam to the Winterfields kinda vibe. If I were you, I would depart from trying to make this site look like your forum. Have you considered Bootstrapping it? Go bold with a full screen video that highlights your adventures, followed by your blog posts and stuff.
Take out the leaves.
I just saw those two pug heads on each side, really they are hidden... try something like this...
Put the cartoony vehicle circle thing to the left of the logo... now we know you travel by vehicle (not backpacking, sailing, etc.)...
Now put the pugs somewhere else in the logo, like on the right, maybe behind it a little, under it a bit... something like that.
Then we see your name, the truck logo, the pugs... we know what this is with an eyeshot.
No one asked. Are you posting from your truck?! ;)
Negative. Staying at someone's house while preparing the truck for the journey ahead. Should be on the road this spring/summer.
Change the header to a logo.
That way you can use the logo on your own forum as well.
I see what you mean, but this and my forum are not directly related so they wouldn't be able to use the same logo. This design is about myself and my travels with my Tacoma, and my forum is about Tacomas in general.
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