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Webmaster.Place is a webmaster website where the goal is to be your all in one place for everything webmaster related.
With an entire marketplace to buy and sell any webmaster product you'd need such as Post Packages, SEO, Logos, and more. You can upload your own products and make real money on the website as well!
There's a promotion section to promote your website, and on top of that if you're the top poster of the day you will have your website's banner displayed at the top of the site for an entire 24 hours.
We're also in the process of adding a brand new feature! The past few months we've had a custom plugin being developed. This new edition to the website will be bringing back an old 2000's website idea that I haven't seen in a while. Essentially what it is, is you can spend your WebCoins (Forum Currency) to have your website displayed on our Random Site's list. You can chose Daily, Weekly, or Monthly to have your site displayed (you can pay cash to if you don't want to spend the time collecting webcoins) Now... unlike most ads where there's no incentive for people to view it, those who view the website will receive WebCoins for doing it. So, essentially you're able to view websites, check out other peoples websites and then once you've collected enough, you can upload your website on there as well for others to view.
You're able to choose a Light and Dark theme as well depending on your mood!
We're always looking for new innovative ways to help benefit webmasters, and it would mean a lot if you could join, check it out, and give your personal opinions on the site as well!
With an entire marketplace to buy and sell any webmaster product you'd need such as Post Packages, SEO, Logos, and more. You can upload your own products and make real money on the website as well!
There's a promotion section to promote your website, and on top of that if you're the top poster of the day you will have your website's banner displayed at the top of the site for an entire 24 hours.
We're also in the process of adding a brand new feature! The past few months we've had a custom plugin being developed. This new edition to the website will be bringing back an old 2000's website idea that I haven't seen in a while. Essentially what it is, is you can spend your WebCoins (Forum Currency) to have your website displayed on our Random Site's list. You can chose Daily, Weekly, or Monthly to have your site displayed (you can pay cash to if you don't want to spend the time collecting webcoins) Now... unlike most ads where there's no incentive for people to view it, those who view the website will receive WebCoins for doing it. So, essentially you're able to view websites, check out other peoples websites and then once you've collected enough, you can upload your website on there as well for others to view.
You're able to choose a Light and Dark theme as well depending on your mood!
We're always looking for new innovative ways to help benefit webmasters, and it would mean a lot if you could join, check it out, and give your personal opinions on the site as well!