
Interesting idea. Not much to comment on as only a few posts and unmodified premium skin. I did notice though your favicon is still using Host Gator's.
Nice topic you found to build a community around.

One remark and please take it in a constructive way: cut off 99% of your subforums. With 44 posts made you need to try and centralize the discussions first to create some activity. Don't spread them over 120 subforums from the start.

Xenforo has this nice build in thread tagging system that should do the job just fine until the moment you have enough content to fill a subforum.
Nice topic you found to build a community around.

One remark and please take it in a constructive way: cut off 99% of your subforums. With 44 posts made you need to try and centralize the discussions first to create some activity. Don't spread them over 120 subforums from the start.

Xenforo has this nice build in thread tagging system that should do the job just fine until the moment you have enough content to fill a subforum.
I'd agree with this. For eexample, the smart watches could be reduced to 1 forum for now with thread prefixes set up for the brands and users required to use a prefix when creating a thread. At a later stage when there is a lot more activity you can then move content to separate forums.

Personally I'd have the Introductions forum at the top.
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