XF 1.2 Watch Items , Continue to Watch even if not visited


Im new to XenForo

coming from VB , I would setup in the admincp to email a group email of new threads / replies ... I dont see that with Xenforo.

Way I understand how the "Watch" works is that a user will get an email initially of a new thread or post to their thread .. but they will not continue to receive alerts/emails unless they view the thread correct ?

In my scenario .. I need to alert/email even if they havent visited the thread ... Is that possible ?

I just stumbled upon an old one of @Jeremy 's posts that will allow me to achieve most of the functionality that I desire. From what I understand, this will allow Watched Threads to continue to produce alerts and email notifications, even if the watched thread remains unread by the watching member. Thanks @Jeremy.


in library/XenForo/Model/ForumWatch.php find and comment out the following lines:
  if (isset(self::$_preventDoubleNotify[$thread['thread_id']][$user['user_id']]))
  self::$_preventDoubleNotify[$thread['thread_id']][$user['user_id']] = true;
In library/XenForo/Model/ThreadWatch.php find and comment out the following lines:
  if (isset(self::$_preventDoubleNotify[$thread['thread_id']][$user['user_id']]))
  self::$_preventDoubleNotify[$thread['thread_id']][$user['user_id']] = true;
I know others have been looking for similar functionality as I've seen quite a few other similar requests by other members here. Hence, i thought I would share what I found in hopes it helps others.
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