Want to add "create thread' button on forum page


New member
Hi all - I am looking for someone who can add buttons as mentioned below to main forum and thread page

1) "Post Reply" on top right side of a thread (users who aren't registered when clicks this, it should take them to Sign up pop up saying that "you need to sign up to reply to the thread"

2)"Create a New Thread" on top right side of the main forum page (users who aren't registered when clicks this, it should take them to Sign up pop up saying that "you need to sign up to create a new thread"

we received a feedback from Users who are new to the forum & they complaint that they got confused as to where to post and how to reply.

Can anyone work on this like on urgent basis. Also we would pay for this service so quote us. You can also email me at shrutishah@simplilearn.com
I am actually looking for the same thing/solution as you do:

- putting a "Post New Thread"-button at the Forum-Homepage is actually solved via the Link I posted above (with kind help of @Russ )
- having the "Post New Thread"-button (located next to the "Top Breadcrumb") and being visible to guests.
- putting a "Reply"-button (located next to the "Top Breadcrumb") and being visible to guests.

Maybe some talented coder of the great XF-community can help on this ?

This is something you can easily achieve using template edits in XF. You can check if the user is logged in using the $visitor var and display the button accordingly.
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