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[] Voicebar 1.0.1

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Hi Trombone,
Do you still have any plans to release a version with a dismiss "X" button?
On iPad don't works only for me?
Is it just at the bottom of the page, or is there an issue? I can't remember exactly the reason, but it's coded to stay at the bottom of the page for iPad because there's a compatibility issue of some sort when trying to keep it fixed as you scroll.
Does anyone know of a way to disable this if this person is viewing the site on a mobile phone?
Does anyone know of a way to disable this if this person is viewing the site on a mobile phone?
I'll look into disabling it for certain mobile browsers, but I should let you know that the show/hide feature you requested will be available later this week--I got some help with it just last night, actually. :) Looking into the iPad display issue as well.
I'll look into disabling it for certain mobile browsers, but I should let you know that the show/hide feature you requested will be available later this week--I got some help with it just last night, actually. :) Looking into the iPad display issue as well.

Thanks Trombone for looking into the mobile browser disabling. Would be such a great feature (y)

Also, Wow, wow and wow for the show/hide feature! Thats made my morning!
Hi trombone, Dont suppose theres any update on the show/hide button and also the hide for mobile devices?

This semester of school has devoured my free time, but I've set another email reminder to work on it when I'm home over Thanksgiving break next weekend. Sorry :(
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