XF 2.0 Viewing unknown page


Well-known member
I know what page they are on and I know what add-on is causing it but I don't know how to make it so it shows that they are on that page i.e 'Streams' in the current visitors page (xxx.org/online/). It is for an add-on and the developer doesn't seem to care to fix this issue so I am trying to sort it myself. Anyone know how to do this?
If you can nail it down to what controller is being hit, you can add a static method to the controller to handle this:
public static function getActivityDetails(array $activities)
    return \XF::phrase('your_phrase_here');

You'd have to work out the appropriate phrase to use from the add-on or make one yourself in the ACP. You can probably just return a string too if you don't care about translations. This change would be lost when updating the add-on though, so you'd have to reapply it every time.
Sorry. It's a fairly simple fix for the add-on developer to address. I know you said the developer is in no rush to fix it, but that might be your best bet.
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