Well-known member
@AndyB has a Version check addon for all XF2addon.com addons:
I think this would be super helpful and make major upgrades like the move to the upcoming 2.3 less painful.
If Developers have inputted XF 2.3 compatibility, it'd be great to see confirm compatibility from a list overview like that.
Version check
Description: Checks add-ons developed by XF2 Addons and reports if any need upgrading. (Example of Version check page) (Example of Options page) Features: All phrases start with versioncheck_ for your convenience. How to use: Only...
I think this would be super helpful and make major upgrades like the move to the upcoming 2.3 less painful.
If Developers have inputted XF 2.3 compatibility, it'd be great to see confirm compatibility from a list overview like that.