Won't fix vBulletin: Regression - Cannot select parent node for forums


Well-known member
Affected version
In previous versions (up to 1.2.0?) it was possible to select the parent node for imported forums.
This was very useful, but the code seems to have been removed since - which is kinda inconsistent as FAQ and Blogs still do allow to select a parent node.
I can't recall the specifics of what made us remove that code but it was deliberate and there are no plans to bring it back. The aim is to bring the forum tree over as is - as it was in the original software. That's how all other forum imports work, and how they worked via the 1.5 importers too.

The FAQ and Blogs are a special case because it makes sense that you would want them enclosed in a separate category because they were in separate areas in the previous software.
The FAQ and Blogs are a special case because it makes sense that you would want them enclosed in a separate category because they were in separate areas in the previous software.
It also does make a lot of sense when merging forums, which is a usecase that does happen quite often for us.

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