Ok thanks
Are there any pitfalls to upgrading via XF1? Or will the end result be the same?
Re import into XF2, here are the stats:
Total run time
8.18 hours
Import totals
User groups 21 (0 seconds)
Custom user fields 20 (4 seconds)
Users 7,056 (6.73 minutes)
Avatars 870 (3.67 minutes)
Buddy and ignore lists 493 (45 seconds)
Paid subscriptions 0
Custom BB codes 1 (0 seconds)
Private messages 73,656 (1 hours, 29 minutes)
Profile comments 1,123 (22 seconds)
Forums 83 (4 seconds)
Moderators 0
Thread prefixes 8 (1 seconds)
RSS feed sources 0
Threads 32,713 (10.77 minutes)
Tags 2,745 (3.67 minutes)
Posts 288,359 (4 hours, 36 minutes)
Edit history 49,205 (21.27 minutes)
Polls 65 (4 seconds)
Attachments 18,149 (2 hours, 15 minutes)
Positive reputation 229 (40 seconds)
Infractions 17 (2 seconds)
CAPTCHA Questions 0
Custom FAQ pages 0
Announcements 0
Notices 1 (1 seconds)
Smilies 11 (0 seconds)
It took an additional few hours to perform the final rebuild.