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vBulletin 4.x URL Redirection

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Sorry but I'm a total newbie. That's my situation

I've migrated to XF from VB. Old forum was in www.domain.com/forum and new one is in forum.domain.com

I would like that all the request for www.domain.com/forum/whatever goes to forum.domain.com but for myself with a static IP. I need to access the old forum for copying some things.

In VB4 I'm using friendly URLs so I've an htaccess files with all the directives. I don't have nginx

Can someone help sort me out this?
I'm no expert on redirects but I'm not sure that you can set it up so that all traffic is redirected but to allow your IP address to access the original URL.
I have updated the mod_rewrite portion of this addon with a fix for thread titles starting with numbers, which would previously have broken features such as replying and voting on polls.

You only need to update if you are running the 'route-based alternative' for mod_rewrite URLs.
I imported my vBulletin 4 forum that uses Basic. I placed the 2 files that I downloaded from this thread in the root folder. But when I try to go to URL from the old forum it doesn't work and it gets redirected to the forum home. I have the archived import table. I noticed this doesn't have a 301config.php file where we can point to that table and there wasn't anywhere in the script to put that.
ok I have been reading all about redirection today... its all a bit overwhelming to a newbie... but here goes, is the following correct

1. I have VB4 + VBSEO installed in /forums folder
2. I install a clean Xenforo into /xenforums folder
3. Import VB4 data into Xenforo - fine, no problems so far
4. Rename VB4 folder to /oldforums (I assume I dont need to keep the old VB4 files and folders)
5. Change new Xenforo folder to /forums (I want to use the same folder name as my VB4 had)
6. Upload "standard-basic-advanced" files to /forums folder
7. Generate htaccess code for VBSEO rewrites with this "redirects for vBSEO'd URLs" tool
8. Add code to htaccess file in /forums folder.

Ok have I got his correct? Do I need to keep the VB4 files and folders? Do I need to also upload the "mod_rewrite" addon?

I hope someone can help me.

I'm in the middle of a migration and all my URLs are redirecting to my homepage. My old vb4 is installed in root, but my new xf site is in /forum. Also, I was using VBSEO. Are there specific rewrite rules that needed to be added to my .htaccess for my situation?
thanks for the response brogan. i tried this already actually but it didn't work for me. i might just have to bite the bullet and get google to completely reindex all my links =(
did anyone tried this while having Wordpress installed? I keep on getting 404 error while wordpress is installed.

I got it working, have to move vbulletin to vbforum folder and make xenforo stay at the forum folder since I couldn't make it work redirecting of folders.

I´ve been testing google´s indexed links and they work!

Having read through this thread im still a bit confused.

I have VB4 installed in /forums/
I have Xenforo installed in /community/

1. Now do I upload the files "standard-basic-advanced" to VB4 /forums/ folder or the xenforo /community/ folder?
Just out of interest, does this still work after the thread sections have changed between the forums? My forum will have different sections but imported threads so i presume the ID's for threads would be the same or something.
I'm a little confused by this. Are you redirecting forums from one directory to another, or are you rewriting the new friendly URLs to follow the same format as the old? If the latter, it's not working. Clicking on an OLD URL only takes you to the forum's home page, not to the designated page.

Explain please.
OK, so it's from the old forum location to the new one, rather than make it possible for you to use the new style URLs to get old style content? Correct? So is there anything else I can do about that?

The main issue here is yet another forum we have, with nearly 120,000 messages, which is going to move next when XenForo 1.1 is out. But the forums have redirects to other threads in some of the messages. How will I handle those?
If the redirection is set up correctly it will redirect from the original URL on the old forum to the new URL on the new forum.

If the post content contains the full old URL then those will also be redirected.
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