vb5 beta released, and...

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The only thing they probably got right, was the Viglinks integration
Assuming that wasn't forgotten, like all the other VB features, hehe.
Speaking of features, does anyone remember the marketing spiel about VB5 and how there were 125+ new features?
I wonder if there was some small print on there somewhere about the XX features that were removed? hehe
It's like forum is a bad word for the vBulletin 5 team.
Anyway, I now have another demo up for people to play around with if interested at http://skizzerz.net/vb5demo -- you can either make your own user account or log in with either username 'admin'/'password' or 'moderator'/'password' to log in as a user with admin/super moderator access.

The initial load was quite slow.

It got better the second time.

I see I can't directly go to the Forums Tab.

Weirdo login box fonts:
Hmm, everytime I see the demo site(s), it's almost like they've put the forum on the back seat, with priority going to ...well, whatever the heck VB5 is

It's almost like the forum is now an "extra" to the main software, a bit like a bolt on forum product for a CMS or something.

Weird way to go about things and given how it's now classed as "Beta" (thus, supposedly feature "complete"), it amazes me that people support it, like alone buy it.

I just realised what it reminds me of, it's like BBPress for wordpress, only, greatly inferior, lol
Thanks skizzers, had a chance to play with the Site Builder functionality: that's the only part that actually seems to be semi-polished or working well. You can see that they devoted a huuuge amount of time to make this particular functionality work well.

Why privilege this and deprive the core forum of any love? I don't understand. VB is not a site builder. VB is not Frontpage. Look what happened to Frontpage itself, yeah not exactly a lot of future there. +facepalm. First they wanted to become a CMS, then they decided to become a Frontpage. Meanwhile the poor forums cry out for help and are put down or ignored.
Site Builder
Is that another name for: "Tab maker + Page Maker" ?

Site Builder.


Site Builder - Lets you drag and drop new modules onto a page. Once you’ve added a module to a page, you can change the placement of the module by dragging and dropping it where you want, edit the functionality, and even remove the module.

Pretty much sounds like a Page Maker.
I think it is a good idea.
Anyone like it ?
Page builder looks ok, very slow though... Guess the speed will improve at some point.
Love how easy it is to add stuff to the navigation bar, footer, etc.
Thanks for the ACP share - but ugh, awful. I bailed after 5 mins.; the UI is just so counter intuitive (why can't you click on a category name to expand it? why do I need to move right and click the little arrow?) - hell, even basic user management is buggy and throws me front-end 500 error pages.

Not for me I'm afraid. (n)
Seems I'm a bit late to the party, but I agree with prior sentiments of how god-awful vb5 is (I skipped pages 15-40 though for the sake of time). I wanted to provide a demo to you guys that had an admin/mod login so that people interested in how those tools worked could use them. My impression when setting it up was that the install process is simply horrid. The normal vB install process was never great (you had to manually move config.php.dist to config.php and fill it out with database credentials before being able to enter the installer), now you have to create TWO config.php files. One is in your root vb folder and defines path settings (such as your site's URL because apparently that gets hardcoded in places instead of using relative URLs -- also you have to specify another URL with https:// in front if you want to use that for logins instead of that being an option in the ACP). It also makes you specify the full path to your vB5 files because running dirname(__FILE__) is apparently too difficult in order to get an absolute path. The second file is buried in core/includes and is the standard config.php file you need to modify for previous versions with database credentials, etc. Also, nowhere is there any indication that you need to modify these two files -- the error messages vb barfs at you are all mostly unrelated. Beyond that, install process is the same as before for vB (point to /install, run the stuff, remove /install before the board starts working because they have yet to grasp the concept of lockfiles).

Anyway, I now have another demo up for people to play around with if interested at http://skizzerz.net/vb5demo -- you can either make your own user account or log in with either username 'admin'/'password' or 'moderator'/'password' to log in as a user with admin/super moderator access. I realize that giving people full admin access is somewhat of a security risk since vB5 lets admins insert arbitrary PHP onto pages -- don't abuse that or I'll take down the demo. Demo is using default settings for everything, with a Memcached datastore for hopefully more accurate load times of a "real" site.

Any objections if we tested and only tested the vBulletin 5 install from security weaknesses? :)
Any objections if we tested and only tested the vBulletin 5 install from security weaknesses? :)
If you're going to test for security weaknesses, all I ask is that you are ethical about it. That means (among other things):
1) Don't overstep your bounds -- for example if you're trying to get db access only try to go after the db that vB5 is using. If you're going for file access only try to get files within the vb5demo directory. And so forth.
2) If you notice an issue, don't publicly post how to exploit it. Report it as a private bug to vBulletin so they can fix it, or if you do not have the ability to report issues to vBulletin send me a private message so that I can report it.
3) Don't post the results of your exploits either if it is copyrighted (e.g. if you manage to exfiltrate a db dump of the users table and post that, whatever. But don't go posting the copyrighted source code to vB5).
4) If you notice an issue, DO however post that issues exist, and possibly the number/severity of them, to assist people who are thinking about getting vB5 to make a more informed decision about what type of product it is.

Noticing by your sig that you're a professional penetration tester, I don't think you'll have any issues with any of the above, but since this is a general permission sort of thing, it's worth mentioning.
That's not necessarily a good thing. Having loans from banks or external investors means outside people are calling the shots and becoming the decision makers. It would shift the decision making process away from Kier, Mike and Ashley.

History of internet from Netscape to Facebook demonstrates otherwise. People invest in start ups and the developers not to take over the company. Just the opposite, they are voting with their dollars that the developers have a good idea and and good business plan. XenForo demonstrated both and could have easily gotten developer money even with the looming lawsuit.

But the thread is drifting from vB5 release. Back to that topic, vB5 STILL does not offer a competitive product to XenForo and XenForo can still recover its footing. The XenForo lawsuit cuts two ways, given vBulletin history of bad product and high cost, as many people will likely withhold purchase of vB5 as XenForo awaiting the results of the lawsuit.
Kier said:
In late August 2008, Limm told me that Internet Brands’ management
had requested that Sullivan and I travel to corporate headquarters in Los Angeles,
California, USA, for a series of meetings about vBulletin 4 development. Around
the same time, I learned that Internet Brands had hired a Los Angeles-based project
manager, Ray Morgan, to manage Jelsoft’s development of vBulletin 4 in England.
The result was that vBulletin development would be subject to multiple levels of
management in California and my previous decision-making responsibility was
greatly diminished.

>>> Certainly hiring a LA-based project manager sends a powerful message. "We are moving vBulletin out of the UK and into the US."

Kier said:
In late February 2009, while I was attending a conference in London
with the rest of the UK-based vBulletin development team, I learned that Internet
Brands had informed Ashley Busby that his position was made “redundant” that
morning, and that his employment was terminated by Jelsoft.

>>> Seeing Ashley being made redundant was IB telling the UK staffers they aren't wanted.

=== IB management mistakes ===
(1) Hiring a Project manager from the US. If IB valued vBulletin's developers in the UK, they would have hired a manager to work in the UK. Brisco treated Kier, Mike and the rest of the UK programmers as if he didn't care about them.
(2) Surely you should treat the Jelsoft boys well until vB4 is out and working well ! Get them to produce vB4 and then ditch them !
(3) Why fire Ashley when vB4 isn't even stable ?
(4) .... etc.

Brisco / IB - doesn't value the code or the coders.
and that approach has got him to this ...
http://www.vbulletin.com/vb5demo/ (been in development for 2 years)
I've seen longer bug lists. But none of this matters if they can't write efficient code. If it loads slow, it will be a never-ending "user discouragement" experience.
History of internet from Netscape to Facebook demonstrates otherwise. People invest in start ups and the developers not to take over the company. Just the opposite, they are voting with their dollars that the developers have a good idea and and good business plan. XenForo demonstrated both and could have easily gotten developer money even with the looming lawsuit.

But the thread is drifting from vB5 release. Back to that topic, vB5 STILL does not offer a competitive product to XenForo and XenForo can still recover its footing. The XenForo lawsuit cuts two ways, given vBulletin history of bad product and high cost, as many people will likely withhold purchase of vB5 as XenForo awaiting the results of the lawsuit.

Those are merely the success stories we hear. How many failures stories have we heard? :)
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