vb5 beta released, and...

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I agree the default view they had was bad...really bad. But that's only an option, not a forced view. And after several complaints, they've changed that view to the more traditional forum display.
They should have known. Rookies. Anyone could have told them that. Now I guess everyone did.

I was sceptical about VB5 from the beginning ....
But when they assigned the same developers to VB5, who made and signed off on the CMS, well, I think it was almost guaranteed to be a ..."poor" release. (To put it mildly)
Is there a way to find a list of the people responsible for this vB4/5 catastrophe ?

I found one good thing that vBulletin 5 does, it dropped the members list. I wish XF and IPB would follow that good example. Members list = useless waste of space / spam magnet.
I'll give them that.
Kier doesn't like Member lists either.
I found one good thing that vBulletin 5 does, it dropped the members list. I wish XF and IPB would follow that good example. Members list = useless waste of space / spam magnet.
Actually .... I think there is a module for it (something you can shoose to add to a page).

That there will be 20 more betas to go to get the mess cleaned up.
Gold in 2015 ?
Release in 2012 - "IB-style"
I believe it will be released in 2012 yes, I think thats been stated all along.
Hey Paul M,
Why does the vB5 demo suck so bad ?
Hey Digital Doctor,
Why do you ask asinine questions?

Ignore him Paul. But it does confuse me why the decision was made to start selling vB5 now while it's in BETA? Any reason behind that business decision?

That is a good question. However, based on what he has said in the past, I don't think Paul M has any information about the business decisions, etc. Not to "poo-poo" the question, just that I doubt Paul can provide any meaningful insight.

Seems like a disastrous decision, though.
what the hell ...

The demo is loading a bit faster now.
Still too slow.
And the random errors everywhere for no reason.
It's not slow because of the server. On the home page alone, I'm spouting around 102-106 database queries. It also gives you a hell of a lot of javascript files to download at the initial page load
DUDE.... wait... what?

100+ database queries just on the front end ?!? Holy cr*p dude. :eek:

Optimization impossible at that point.
You know, I just had a thought about this whole lawsuit thing. (And apologies if it came up earlier.)

Here is IB suing XF for being a threat to their discussion board product. Yet, the whole mission statement of vB5 Connect emphasizes that the product is now intended to be a platform on which an entire site is built, while downplaying the core discussion board functionality that they became known for.

With vB5 out of the bag, it is clear there is a greater void between XF and vB5 than XF and vB4. oops....
Hey Paul M,
Why does the vB5 demo suck so bad ?

Thats a loaded question, and usually id just ignore or dismiss such an obvious attempt at baiting.

However, Im going to bite a little bit.

I dont know why its so appallingly slow on that server, my test forum is at least 5x faster, and only on a test server.
Dont get me wrong, its still slow, badly so in places, but a couple of people (Freddie being one I can think of) are going through it to find the bottlenecks.

Since vB 4.2.0 Ive not had a great deal of involvement with vB5 other than fixing the hooks and extensions to work (in June and early July).

Since then ive mostly just dealt with bug reportss, and a large portion of my time has been spent on the helping with the vb.com site project - for the new marketing and sales site. Im still not overly familiar with all the internal workings of vB5, but I have seen some real valid technical complaints and concerns raised. That said, at the same time, much of what Ive seen so far is just personal dislike of the look & features (or lack of in some cases), or just a dislike of IB in general, which i mostly skip over as irrelevant.

Ther are many points about it I dont like either, but I know people who do like some of those things I dislike, so there you go. Cannot please everyone.
There are some things that really do seem to be universally hated, less now as some of them have already been removed / altered due to Alpha testers "forceful" comments. :)
vBulletin 5 will be released and then finally vBulletin.org will upgrade to vBulletin 4 (currently still on vBulletin 3.6.12 )

Just a guess. Internet Brands has a habit of selling their current product, but not using it.

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I am unable to access the stylevars so I'll ask shamil what's up with that. Getting some weird debug error. Says site builder is down or something.
Forever on vBulletin 3.6.12 huh? Or will you make the large leap onto 3.8.x ? :p
Its a bigger leap than you might think. I looked into it with a view to moving up the 3.x chain.

120+ plugins to review, modify as needed & test, 80+ templates to review modify, all the javascript to be re-jigged into 3.8 format code, dealing with converting the prefixes from the add-on to the built-in system, 4 files of custom functions to review, check & test.

Its not a quick job, and made it to the "maybe, someday" pile.
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