Using page nodes as a CMS for articles?


Well-known member
Does this make sense? Good idea? Bad? I have articles to post and feel stupid putting them in a forum called "articles". How soon can we get a fully integrated CMS? 1.1? Later?
It works, however for more control I think it'd be easier to just write your site with the zend framework(same as xenforo) there would just have to be a few articles on how to say get latest post from x forum etc, board stats and so forth.
As I've said before in a few other threads, I think your best option would just to be use the current threads as articles. This way you aren't altering the structure of the database. You could then customize your templates, make the first post of the thread look like an article, and make the replies, look like comments. In this regard you maintain the data structure, searchability, etc, but still have the look and feel that you want.
As I've said before in a few other threads, I think your best option would just to be use the current threads as articles. This way you aren't altering the structure of the database. You could then customize your templates, make the first post of the thread look like an article, and make the replies, look like comments. In this regard you maintain the data structure, searchability, etc, but still have the look and feel that you want.
The only problem with it is a forumly feel. Not all sites want that.

I really like the look of this add-on and especially the ability to set permissions for who can view articles. Is there any way that a teaser 'text'or page' can be viewed based on permissions.

What I mean is that if you're unregistered then you would be able to see some quotes from the articles with a message saying register here to read the full article. But if you're registered you would just see the full article as normal
I really like the look of this add-on and especially the ability to set permissions for who can view articles. Is there any way that a teaser 'text'or page' can be viewed based on permissions.

What I mean is that if you're unregistered then you would be able to see some quotes from the articles with a message saying register here to read the full article. But if you're registered you would just see the full article as normal
ATM it's not possible, but it's planned.
THe teaserimage + teasertext was something, we included in the last minute, so it's not 100% included into the code, as it should be.
I'm working ATM on an article system.
If you're interested i need some testers in 2-3 weeks;)

Mate i know your good at what you do (cross platform coding) but please don't rush this !!!!... basically the last 24 hours has been "MY XF TIME.. see a lot to like about XF" but.. lol... installed XF for a personal site and see so much potential in XF as a forum platform, right now as for a CMS system it's not there yet and really i think it's bet to wait for new XF libraries / coding before attempting a full blown article system...

Nothing against XF at all (or i wouldn't be here).. XF pages are just that.. WP posts (SEO optimized are well powerful to say the least).. I only know 5 or so people using XF pages and viewing their traffic stats they really are not what they could be.. (NOTHING AGAINST XF !!! xf was designed as a forum solution and not pages / cms).

WHY DID VB 4 FAIL ??? Pressure to provide a ALL-IN-ONE CMS (that is SEO friendly "SEO friendly as WP")... VB Failed badly really badly!!.. WHY ?? due o the masses of people asking for a "ALL-IN-ONE" solutions for Articles/Forums/Support etc etc...... After looking into XF deeply it's not something that can be rushed... yes creating a XF addon that allows for publishing articles well it's do'able.. making it as SEO friendly as WP not so easy... Please bud don't rush it... forget time lines.. forget the amount of people asking for a "XF Article publishing solution" if your going to attempt this make it like it's for your own person website that is designed to make a profit... any less than this it will fail... Don't get me wrong.. i am not a qualified coder however i know my way around many platforms and am a 24/7 webmaster.. what people want is a 100% fool proof CMS system.. articles / forums / support etc etc...

Again yes it is possible to create a addon for XF that provides a article solution.. making it SEO optimized is a different story... Personally i think we wait for the XF Dev's to provide a solution.. right now the libraries / base platform simply have not been written to suite full CMS solutions.. XF for forums is perfect !!!! don't get me wrong.. VB failed badly and because they had a solid background people jumped all over the CMS (Me included.. right now i wouldn't wipe my arse on a vb4 license yet alone use it as a site platform).. in closing..... DO NOT RUSH IT !! forget time lines.. forget the pressure to provide a solutions.. forget amount the COIN to be made... if your going to provide a article solution, provide a decent one the first time around.

Xenforo have a great framework, which can be used as solid base for "everything"!
The search + node handlers (+nodepermissions +etc...)can be used for "everything", so the general xenforo search form (in the navigation + ) handels every content type => cross type search
Then you can also have own search forms for only your content types.

There are IMHO only some "small mistakes/things which could be done better) to make the framework more powerful and easy to use for 3rd parties..

Not everybody want to search for "foobar" and wants to get resulsts from threads, galleryimages, articles & links, that's why it's (for me) important to seperate this stuff.
Xenforo have a great framework, which can be used as solid base for "everything"!
The search + node handlers (+nodepermissions +etc...)can be used for "everything", so the general xenforo search form (in the navigation + ) handels every content type => cross type search
Then you can also have own search forms for only your content types.

There are IMHO only some "small mistakes/things which could be done better) to make the framework more powerful and easy to use for 3rd parties..

That's great to hear.

Not everybody want to search for "foobar" and wants to get resulsts from threads, gallery images, articles & links, that's why it's (for me) important to seperate this stuff.

Really ?
I find that "integrated search" is one of the most common complaints with forum software bridged with other CMSes.
I think alot of users would like integrated search.
as i said already, it's intergrated!
Every add-on can extend the search and include own entries into the search, BUT IMHO a thread != galleryimage != article != cms page

that was IMHO also a horrible & buggy feature in vB4.
Articles are articles AND there was also a thread ONLY for comments!
This means, you have an thread with an "empty" first post (only the link to the article) and the comments (or not if there were no).
The vB last threads feed and some other features also included all this threads and this was IMHO extremely ugly...

I'll give it up now, because it seems that nobody understands what i mean^^
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