XF 2.0 Users cant register


Well-known member
Since moving to a new host we have been dealing with a lot of issues and luckily we have been able to sort out those issues except that now users are not able to register. When filling up the registration form and hit register, it doesn't take you anywhere. The loading bar keeps looping and then stops. When refreshing the page the registration is then complete successfully. Same thing happens with confirmation email the loading bar keeps on going and no email is sent.
Any errors in the browser console while registering?
There is no console error. There is a slight improvement, now users can register but the registration process is very very slow. When hitting register it takes about 20 second loading, same thing with resend confirmation email, it takes a while before executing.
I have user complaining about the same thing, no confirmation dialog comes up when they register, nothing happens. But most times it seems they have got the account. But they don't know about it.
I just found that Require date of birth was set to No.
And that it still had Minimum age set to 13.

I don't know if this was the reason for the problem with creating an account, haven't tested yet.
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