Not a bug users can't register on forum


Active member
Affected version

Yesterday I upgraded to 2.3 and now users can't register on my forum because they are not receiving the confirmation mail.

The error I get on my forum panel is:

  • Symfony\Component\Mailer\Exception\TransportException: Email to from failed: Unable to connect with STARTTLS: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): Peer certificate CN=`*MYMAILHOSTINGSERVER' did not match expected CN=`localhost'
  • src/vendor/symfony/mailer/Transport/Smtp/Stream/SocketStream.php:171
The issue is this: Peer certificate CN=*MYMAILHOSTINGSERVER' did not match expected CN=localhost' .

Your host will be able to resolve that.
I changed some things on Options - Mail (xenforo)... following my hosting providers support instructions and now everything is working OK ;).

This just happened since 2.3 update
Were you using SMTP with the host set to localhost? And was this fixed by changing the host to the FQDN (ie. mymailhostingserver in the error message)? XF 2.2 might have been more forgiving, but in 2.3+ the host must match the name the mail server advertises.
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