User map [Deleted]

Does it copy Location value into Map Location field?
No, it uses it internally. If map location is blank then it tries to grab the location field and if that is blank and IP-fallback is enabled, the reg IP. It then uses them to get the location.

It does not copy it from one to the other.

I was thinking last night that I can put in an option to copy from location to map location if map location is blank. I'll try get this in at some point.
1.7 was released last night but I pulled it as I was not happy with some of the functionality.
There are many improvements to performance and changes which should help make for better caching of user data. This'll reduce the load on your server as well as load-time of the map.

Full google api key support is now also enabled and should be used to avoid getting blacklisted by them (Not sure if they will black list, they certainly start denying requests if you get to chatty)

In a nutshell, the requirements for google are:

For the geo-encoding stuff:
Free up to 2,500 requests per day

$0.50 USD / 1,000 additional requests, up to 100,000 daily

See here:

At the moment the mass-update just chews through all the users so if you have more than 2500 users then it'll annoy them and you'll get DENIED results from the encoding attempt.
With 1.7 you can specify you key and increase that to many.

As for the map being viewed on your site -
Free until exceeding 25,000 map loads per day for 90 consecutive days

So, if you have 25k views of the map a day for 90 days then you'll need to purchase a key. It'll take me a while before I get to that point :(
Can you display the best practice which API I need. I just realized I had multiple stuff activated but I think not everything is needed, right?

Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-10 um 11.06.10.webp
At the moment the mass-update just chews through all the users so if you have more than 2500 users then it'll annoy them and you'll get DENIED results from the encoding attempt.

Usage limits exceeded

If you exceed the usage limits you will get an OVER_QUERY_LIMIT status code as a response.
This means that the web service will stop providing normal responses and switch to returning only status code OVER_QUERY_LIMIT until more usage is allowed again.


Suggestion: Add-on sends an email to Contact Email Address ( /admin.php?options/list/basicBoard ), and logs in the server error log, if the limit is reached and google api returns the error condition.
This means that the web service will stop providing normal responses and switch to returning only status code OVER_QUERY_LIMIT until more usage is allowed again.
I've made it so that it starts logging the exceptions to the server log. Is there an add-on which will alert or email admins with new server log entries?
Is there an add-on which will alert or email admins with new server log entries?
I don't think so, but there should be IMO. Same with mod log entry alerts, one of those things that I feel is sorely missing from XF. I have suggested that this be added to Moderator Essentials and wil suggest this one as well.
There is a "map location" field for this addon that is completely separate from the default "location" field, so none of those are populated...
It was explained in the description but is now clearer in the FAQ
Does it copy Location value into Map Location field?
I ran this, but saw no additional pins or heatmap count added to the map. Is there anything else needed other than just running /usermap?massupdate ?
I ran this also, and there are no additional pins on the map
No, it uses it internally. If map location is blank then it tries to grab the location field and if that is blank and IP-fallback is enabled, the reg IP. It then uses them to get the location.
I have many users with an entry in the location field and none of them are showing up after the massupdate was ran.
I was thinking last night that I can put in an option to copy from location to map location if map location is blank. I'll try get this in at some point.
This would be preferred for me as I would only prefer to have one location field - the default XF one that is also autofilled in my case
Bottom one, Google Maps Javascript API, is all you need.
Thanks, I was confused about that as well, that's the one I chose. Unfortunately it was giving me an error that I couldn't figure out so I deleted the key (don't need it) and the error went away. It was related to https usage on my site. So the bottom line is that you don't need the key, even the free one, on a smaller forum - just leave the field blank. For me who is not really savvy when it comes to Google APIs and keys, it was kind of a pain to get it set up
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