Fixed User ignore limimit (Server-Error XenGallery/Model/Media.php)



we have this problem:
array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given - library/XenGallery/Model/Media.php:1068

The reason for this is a user with about 2500 ignores in his ignore list.
The field "ignored" in table "xf_user_profile" cannot hold the whole data and strips it - so the content isn't a correct serialized array anymore and cannot be unserialized.
Can I simply edit the datatype of the column from "text" to "longtext" or is there another (better) solution?

Best regards,
Can I simply edit the datatype of the column from "text" to "longtext" or is there another (better) solution?
Don't ignore 2500 people? :)

I actually thought that we had an ignore limit in place as this has come up once before (related to an import). The general fix here is probably going to be more along the lines of limiting how many people you can ignore (like we limit how many you can follow). I can't imagine that ignoring 2500 people is particularly beneficial to this person...

This may manifest itself within the gallery, but it's probably more likely to be something that we'll fix in the core, so I'm moving this to the main bugs forum.
Out of curiosity, did this member intentionally ignore 2500 people one by one or is this in itself the result of some other action?
This may manifest itself within the gallery, but it's probably more likely to be something that we'll fix in the core
Thank you for the info. I really do not know why or how this user did this - just wanted to tell you, because even if it's not reasonable - it's still a bug :p
Limiting this feature is of course the best solution!
That's impressive, I'm surprised that wasn't causing issues well before that stage.

I was having detectable issues with a number of users with +500 ignored users. I ended up writing (and releasing for free) User Ignore Limit add-on after I cleared that user's ignore cache and list.
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