XF 2.2 User group permission problem


Active member
Hello, we have a problem with user group permission.

1) register -> primary group, can use private message
1) group 1 -> secondary group (with specific permission) -> can use private message
2) group 2 -> secondary grou -> is set to can't use private message, NEVER.

group 2 is a group made for a kind of suspension (temporary ban), and we would like to set this user group to a specific user and for a specific time (1 day. 2 day. etc) when he break the rules. This hybrid ban user group let user to read the forum, but avoid them to use it like write/react/etc... We would like to avoid user to use private message too... and so, we have put the rule NEVER in private message permission of group 2.

THE PROBLEM IS that permission to use private message of user group 2 (set to NEVER) sems to no overwrite the others user group permission set to YES.

What are we doing wrong? thanks.
That is correct: https://xenforo.com/docs/xf2/groups-permissions/#how-permissions-are-applied

Aren't you just adding the members to user group 2 for the duration of the ban and then removing them?
yes exactly.
And we need that in that specific period, the user do not has access to private messages. But "NEVER" or "NO" sems to not work when we set this user group to a user.
  • No + Yes = Yes
  • No + Never = Never
  • Yes + Never = Never
Our behaviour is the 3° situation here. But the result is = Yes instead of never, we do not understand why.
Never definitely works.

Be aware the permissions relate to starting and receiving new conversations only.

It doesn't prevent replies to existing conversations.
Never definitely works.
Be aware the permissions relate to starting and receiving new conversations only.
It doesn't prevent replies to existing conversations.

Really?? so this is the case, in the effect. The users are reply to a existing discussion, right. we checked this a few minutes ago.
mm... so, there isn't a way to prevent user to reply in private message?
Not using the built in permissions.
Understand. this is a few strange, isn't it?
- user can't start private message but can reply to an existing one.

So if i leave a private conversation from my side, the other user can continue to reply? or the discussion is not granted from his side too?

Maybe this plugin can help you
mm thanks, but sems not:
  • Can Reply to Conversation. - Default - If a group can start a conversation, they can reply.
But As @Brogan says it work, the user cannot OPEN a new conversation, but can REPLY to existing one.
Errr.. pretty sure that will be normal behavior.. how exactly should it work, if you as a moderator/admin starts a conversation with a user about their activity.. but you prohibit them replying from it? Exactly WHAT benefit does preventing them from replying to a valid conversation do you gain?
Have you totally thought out the weakness of your complaint?
The point is that they can't simply start conversations.. but for anyone who DOES have that ability to start one with them.. they should still be able to reply to it.
How can a banned user reply to a PM?
And why don't you just use this function in such a case?
We are not using built in BAN function. Becouse the BAN avoid anytingh to a user, reading included.
We have made a secondary group with few permission to look like a ban, but with a minimum privilege, for example, reading forum without need to logout.
In this case you can leave the conversation and choose the "Ignore future messages" option.
this could be the solution for now. yes.
With my free addon, banned users can access conversations,
I know, this is the why that addon is not right for us. We would like to "avoid" to start and of course to reply to existing private discussion.
I know, this is the why that addon is not right for us. We would like to "avoid" to start and of course to reply to existing private discussion.
Okay, then use the above addon to allow access. Set the Start conversion permission to No for banned group, and use this addon to allow them to reply,
sorry, i do not understand what you'r meaning.
De default user group you mean? yes is set to yes.
The secondary and temporary group is set to NEVER. Becouse we do not want let user use private message. But As @Brogan says it work, the user cannot OPEN a new conversation, but can REPLY to existing one.
Of course, but as you can see in the screenshot I uploaded, the plugin I brought has a setting called "Post replies" if you set it to "never" the user will be able to receive messages but will not be able to reply to them

I just checked it out on my test forum
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