Not a bug User data not removing after user deletion?

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I am a web hosting administrator. The database of one of our clients after spam attacks increased more than the limits of the tariff plans.
We advised the user to enable captcha and clear the database by deleting spammers and inactive users.

Client has deleted the users and the size of the xf_user table has been decreased, but DB still is not within the tariff plan limits.

We checked the database, the sizes of the user tables, which logically should be related to the records in xf_user. They have not changed.

Specifically, these:


We would like to clarify whether this is a feature of the script or behavior depend on web server configuration?

(Sorry for bad English)
There is code in place to ensure tables are cleared up when a user is deleted. This extends to more than just user related tables too.

This would require further troubleshooting but support is only available to licensed customers. If you or your client are licensed you will need to add your forum username to the “Forum users” page or the relevant license and then post in the appropriate forum.

However, I would say that even with several thousand spam users being deleted, this surely isn’t going to make a huge difference. It suggests that the limits are arbitrarily small in the first place.
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