XF 2.1 url unfurl question


Active member

when my users post a url into a media or forum comment it does not unfurl but rather produces a link, unless I remove the link no unfurling happens.
How can I change things so that no link is created and the unfurling occurs.

Thank you
Check that in ACP > Options > Messages that "Unfurl URL to a rich preview automatically" is checked.

Make sure that your users put URLs on a separate line - URLs that are on the same line as other text won't unfurl.

Do note that there are some URLs that won't unfurl for various reasons. You can test any URLs to see if they will unfurl or not in ACP > Tools > Test URL unfurling.
Thank you yes that is checked but the link is still created rather than the url being unfurled. The only way I can force the unfurling is to remove the link as shown in the pic

How are you and your users adding the link to the editor? Are you simply pasting the link into the editor, or are you using the Insert link button? If the former then it should work. If you are using the Insert link button, then it will create a link as you have described.
In that case, it may be related to this issue:

Check that in ACP > Options > Messages that "Unfurl URL to a rich preview automatically" is checked.

Make sure that your users put URLs on a separate line - URLs that are on the same line as other text won't unfurl.

Do note that there are some URLs that won't unfurl for various reasons. You can test any URLs to see if they will unfurl or not in ACP > Tools > Test URL unfurling.
How to fix
Could not fetch metadata from URL with error: The URL is not requestable (local:

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