Cannot reproduce Uploading Photos Issues

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I have seen two issues when I am trying to upload photos as Attachements. First is that I do not see all of my photos as options. I cannot say what percentage are missing but I would say 25% or so. The second one is that when I go to upload photos some of them will rotate 45*, not all but some. See attached image.
Screen Shot 2021-06-24 at 3.41.04 PM.webp
The yellow arrow image came over fine but the two green ones are rotated. This is not an issue if I drag and drop from photos.


I have seen images on other XF sites that the photos are rotated 45* not sure if coincidence.

If you upload the images here, do you get the same behavior?

If it works as expected here, then your server is likely lacking EXIF support in PHP, which allows us to read the orientation stored in the image to ensure it's displayed as correctly. You can check that by looking at the "EXIF support" value in the "Server environment report" after logging into the admin control panel.
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