uploading a .lnk file in ressources ?


Active member
Hello the community !

I'd like to updload a .lnk file (a link to a certain website in IE) to the ressources to help my fellow members but Xenforo keeps uploading Iexplore.exe instead.
It may not be related to Xenforo but I'd like to be certain I can't do that.

.lnk files are allowed in the forum and ressources but it won't work.

Thanks a lot for the help !


.lnk files are actually shortcut files - shortcuts to different programs. They're applicable to windows only, and when you select one to upload, Windows will provide the target. There isn't a file format for linking to a specific file path. In general, you'd just provide the URL to link to in the resource list, or one of the external download boxes.

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