Implemented Upload video from mobile phone direct to post


Well-known member
Users are so used to doing this on other social media platforms. Will this ever become a feature of xF?

We have an active facebook group and the forums, generally the forums are much busier than the facebook group, but after a big event this weekend, all the acvtivity is on the facebook group. this is because dozens of videos have been uploaded and commented on. Some live streams even.

No one can be bothered to get their videos rendered elswhere and post links, or upload them to the gallery and post links to the forum. I feel we need this feature fast. video is everywhere and not being able to easily add it to posts leaves me feeling disadvantaged.
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collections etc when you just want to share a quick video to a thread.
Not if implementation is done correctly. You already have the users information, simply create a specific gallery for them via internal routines and upload it to that created gallery (one time creation) and pull it from there and insert it into the post. Yes, it would then require you to purchase the add-on gallery but if the function is that important it's a small price to pay.
With gallery installed I would like to:
first easily upload a video directly to posts and then ask (mandatory or not) to categorize it on the gallery.

I see the possibility to categorize/tag media directly in the “thread view” template after the post is publiced OR during upload. For media not categorized i would like that not-owners could suggest/set categories and tags (permission based) directly on the thread view template.

The gallery pages will become a simple way to browse media posted on threads (but not limited to that).

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