XF 1.5 Upgrading official xenforo addons


Well-known member
Little be confused.
I am going to upgrade to newest xenforo 1 (v1.5.16)

Could I upgrade also xfmg, xfes and xfresource with this xenforo version (1.5.16) or I have to wait to upgrade those addons (all are v.2.0.0) till I upgrade xenforo to v.2?
So, any of those new versions of official addons I can not upgrade till I upgrade xenforo 2?
I am tolking about Xenforo gallery, xenforo resources and enhanced search addons.

Ah, now I see that we have in download list new versions of xfmg and xfes for latest xenforo 1 version.
So for xf1 latest addons versions are xfmg 1.1.15, xfes 1.1.8 and xfresources 1.2.4?
Amd for xf2 all addons versions are v2.0.0

So after installing latest xfes 1.1.8 along xenforo 1.5.16 I can upgrade my elasticsearch to v6?
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