XF 2.1 Upgrading from 1.5 to 2.1.1 (step 9)


Well-known member

currently I'm running the upgrade from 1.5 (latest) to 2.1.1

Now it's:

running upgrade to 2.1.0 Alpha, step 9 (~300 k)
(started at around 280 k, probably these were the high ids from an old vbulletin-import)

public function step9($position, array $stepData)
        return $this->entityColumnsToJson('XF:ConversationMaster', ['recipients'], $position, $stepData);

Does this convert all the PMs of the forum?

I did a test-upgrade on a local machine (from 1.5 to 2.0) and it just took around 30 minutes in total on a local machine with quite the same hardware as the server. Then I updated to 2.1 when it came out. But there was no conversion of private messages when I did this or a big delay.
But it was on windows (XAMPP).

So with an id of my last PM i got at around 550 k this may take many hours more.

Any idea what is happening?

I'm upgrading through the shell and it is taking hours and hours and hours.
The daily disconnect of my dsl-line is near. What will happen if I get disconnected?

Will the upgrading-process stop?
What should I do after that?
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