XF 2.0 Upgraded to XF2 and images will only upload one by one


Active member
I search and couldn't find an answer on this. I just upgraded to XF2 and now I can only upload images to posts one by one and I can't just drop images into the editor. I've dug around and can't find a way to fix this. Could someone point me in the right direction?

In XF2 unfortunately the editor we use doesn’t support multiple file uploads though it is functionality they want to add in the future.

The Attach files button below the editor will allow you to upload multiple images though.
I had gotten so used to this in XF 1 that it shocked me on an XF 2 site that I use now. Was trying to figure out what was wrong (since I don't run XF 2 nor really keep up with it right now).
Hopefully they will get that "updated" soon as it's a tad bit regressive considering that most will be used to drag/drop multiple images from the XF 1.x days.
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