XF 1.5 Upgraded to 1.5.1 - get a template error box at the top of every page

Stuart Wright

Well-known member

I'm also getting server errors
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Class 'XenForo_ViewRenderer_Css' not found - library/XenForo/Dependencies/Abstract.php:127
Generated By: Stuart Wright, A moment ago
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(124) "https://www.avforums.com/admin.php?...form,admin,header,footer&dir=LTR&d=1443258492"
["_GET"] => array(4) {
["_css/"] => string(0) ""
["css"] => string(46) "public:xenforo,public:form,admin,header,footer"
["dir"] => string(3) "LTR"
["d"] => string(10) "1443258492"
["_POST"] => array(0) {

I hope and assume you do the upgrade via CLI mode?
Considering your forum size.
No, actually. I've never had a problem running an upgrade from the admin console.

I use CuteFTP over a VPN to Nimbus and am, as you'd expect, frequently uploading files.
Can't recall having such a problem before, which is why I posted rather than re-uploading everything again.
Bizarre that this should be the issue, but re-uploading everything did the trick.
Seems that computers are marginally less predictable than women.
Thanks for the quick response, Mike. Appreciated.
Next time to avoid corrupt files.
Upload in zip file, then just extract on the server.

I always do upgrade on CLI, mostly take less than a minute.
Something like this:
cd /home/sites/avforums/public_html/
unzip -qo upload.zip
php /home/sites/avforums/public_html/library/XenForo/Install/run-upgrade.php
service php-fpm restart
Next time to avoid corrupt files.
Upload in zip file, then just extract on the server.

I always do upgrade on CLI, mostly take less than a minute.
Something like this:

There's not really any need to restart the fpm process...

I did it that way myself, as I don't like FTP in general, but now I use my add-on, which works surprisingly well...

There's not really any need to restart the fpm process...

I did it that way myself, as I don't like FTP in general, but now I use my add-on, which works surprisingly well...
If you are running Memcached, it is frequently a good idea to restart the php-fpm process (as well as sometimes having to restart memcached) as it clears the cache a lot of times and prevents some issues (or at least on my CentOS boxes it has). I've also had some issues at times with the PHP opcode caching since my settings are a little different than stock.
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