Upgrade vs. Update


Well-known member
I've noticed that XenForo uses the term "upgrade" when referring to new XenForo versions (e.g., "Please upgrade to the latest version of XenForo and let us know if the issue still persists.) However, I believe "update" would actually be the correct term to use.

I actually made a discussion about the topic in general here a long time ago, and it seems that the majority thinks "update" would be correct because it is the same software -- in this case XenForo -- whereas, say, getting a cable package with more channels would be an upgrade. However, going by that last post, it seems he thinks that third-point releases would be "updates" (e.g., XenForo 1.3.3 > XenForo 1.3.4) while second-point releases, and I guess first-point releases as well (when we get there), would be "upgrades." (@Nights.)

Below I've provided the definitions of each word.


up·date [v. uhp-deyt, uhp-deyt; n. uhp-deyt]
verb (used with object), up·dat·ed, up·dat·ing.
1. to bring (a book, figures, or the like) up to date, as by adding new information or making corrections: to update a science textbook.
2. Computers. to incorporate new or more accurate information in (a database, program, procedure, etc.).
3. to bring (a person, organization, etc.) up to date on a particular subject: The magazine article will update you on the international situation.
4. an act or instance of updating: to make an update in a financial ledger.
5. information or data used in updating.
6. an updated version, model, or the like.


up·grade [n. uhp-greyd; adj., adv. uhp-greyd; v. uhp-greyd, uhp-greyd]
1. an incline going up in the direction of movement.
2. an increase or improvement: an upgrade in the year's profit forecast.
3. a new version, improved model, etc.: The company is offering an upgrade of its sports sedan.
4. an increase or improvement in one's service, accommodations, privileges, or the like: If the ship isn't full we'll receive an upgrade to a deluxe stateroom.
5. something, as a piece of equipment, that serves to improve or enhance: a full range of upgrades available for your computer.

I know this is pretty trivial, but what are your guys' thoughts?
up·grade [n. uhp-greyd; adj., adv. uhp-greyd; v. uhp-greyd, uhp-greyd]
3. a new version, improved model, etc.:
5. something, as a piece of equipment, that serves to improve or enhance: a full range of upgrades available for your computer.
up·grade [n. uhp-greyd; adj., adv. uhp-greyd; v. uhp-greyd, uhp-greyd]
3. a new version, improved model, etc.:
5. something, as a piece of equipment, that serves to improve or enhance: a full range of upgrades available for your computer.

But then update has a similar one: "6. an updated version, model, or the like."
I am pretty happy that xenforo releases are real upgrades. By comparison: I am still running vbulletin until I can migrate. vbulletin releases are updates, but no upgrades IMHO.
Exactly as @Pereira states... and update is to existing code level (no revision changes). An upgrade is a version change from one level to another.
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