XF 2.0 Upgrade system


Upgrade system
The following warnings were detected when verifying that your server can run XenForo:
  • Your server has disabled a core PHP function exec via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.
  • Your server has disabled a core PHP function escapeshellarg via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.
  • Your server has disabled a core PHP function proc_open via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.
  • Your server has disabled a core PHP function popen via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.
These will not prevent you from using XenForo, but they should be resolved if possible to ensure optimal functioning. However, you may still continue with the upgrade.
We have detected a XenForo 1.x configuration file and before we can upgrade, this must be migrated. Please click the button below to begin this process.

xenforo v1 is good, but xenforo v2 is not good, which hosting recommend me

If you need a cheap VPS host you can use mine. I use HostRush.com They are accredited with the better business bureau. I pay $110/year for 12 GB RAM VPS with 4 cores and 100 GB SSD disk space. Of course cPanel is extra on VPS. You can get a license at buycpanel.com or install a free panel like virtualmin/webmin if you prefer not to pay for cPanel.

If you still want to use shared hosting there's plenty of hosts you can choose that are bigger like godaddy. I just don't like godaddy because they put limits on your account like i/o usage which is annoying to me. However you can get shared on my host for $10/year as well and they will provide you with all the php extensions without an issue. So will godaddy which might not seem like a bad option to you.
Those functions are disabled on like every single server as they are extremely dangerous.
If someone is able to upload a shell, then exec permissions allows them to possibly gain root on the server...
Those functions are disabled on like every single server as they are extremely dangerous.
If someone is able to upload a shell, then exec permissions allows them to possibly gain root on the server...

Yeah that's definitely not right.

It's standard procedure to have the required Xenforo core php functions. I'm sure the Xenforo devs thought way ahead of time when creating the software where it wouldn't leave anyone vulnerable from those functions.
$110/yr for 12G ram? Where?

Yeah haha that's a deal I got for finding them on webhostingtalk although their prices are fairly good for the price they do give. They'd probably cut a deal with someone that mentioned my name. But yeah they are certainly reliable. I've been very surprised by them as my site hasn't gone down for the entire 9-10 months I've been with them. Not a single time. I am definitely going to renew my plan this year. They also offer DDoS protection on their servers at 20 GPS. Finding them was a true gem. Even though Cloudflare now offers unmitigated protection.
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