XF 1.4 Upgrade of add-on yield 500 error


I have one XenForo Forum that is a Veteran and has been out since 1.1. The other was a 1.1 until recently. I decided to replicate the add-ons on the negleticed forum. The result is that the older forum, when adding/upgrading, 500 errors while the other installs all add-ons fine. I will assme this has something to do with one/many of the 25+ ad-ons on the more used forum. What does everyone think? The plug-ins seem to work, for now, but does the forum install add-ons if there is a timeout?

A 500 error is too generic to provide any clues as to the cause.

You can check the server error log to see if the cause of the error is listed.
Thanks for the response. As an amendment to my report, I cannot un install either, the screen shows that it is proessing and then goes straight to a white screen. Here is a server log from trying to uninstall and I get this URL: http://forums.lnlpublishing.com/admin.php?tools/run-deferred and it does nothing after that.
Server Error Log
Error Info
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to undefined method *******_SupportTicketSystem_Model_SupportTicket::getMessageIdsInRange() -library/*******/SupportTicketSystem/Search/DataHandler/SupportTicketMessage.php:77
Generated By: Paul Hendricksen, 25 minutes ago

Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}

Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(60) "http://forums.lnlpublishing.com/admin.php?tools/run-deferred"
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["tools/run-deferred"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(3) {
["redirect"] => string(50) "http://forums.lnlpublishing.com/admin.php?add-ons/"
["execute"] => string(1) "1"
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"

When I uninstall, the same issue and if I view the add on in the ACP, I can see that it is still listed but as you can see it isn't found. Because it "Processes..." and then just times out and goes to a blank white screen.
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