J jeb35 Well-known member Dec 3, 2020 #2 Did you upgrade the other official addons as well like media gallery and resource manager? Upvote 0 Downvote
Mike XenForo developer Staff member Dec 3, 2020 #3 There may have been some sort of race condition during the upgrade, but assuming they're not still happening, you can disregard these. Upvote 0 Downvote
There may have been some sort of race condition during the upgrade, but assuming they're not still happening, you can disregard these.
Oldengine Active member Dec 3, 2020 #4 All included add-ons were updated. I was just a bit nervous to see the errors, I'm sorry. Thank you for a fine software package and system! Now all I need to do is keep Facebook from stealing my users! Smokstak® Antique Engine Community* Hit and miss engine collecting, restoring vintage engines, antique engine and tractor shows, old generator restoration. www.smokstak.com Upvote 0 Downvote
All included add-ons were updated. I was just a bit nervous to see the errors, I'm sorry. Thank you for a fine software package and system! Now all I need to do is keep Facebook from stealing my users! Smokstak® Antique Engine Community* Hit and miss engine collecting, restoring vintage engines, antique engine and tractor shows, old generator restoration. www.smokstak.com