Updated from 1.2 to 1.3, forum broke..


I updated from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3, when everything was complete i tried to enter the forum, to see a post someone posted, but whenever i click the link i get this error message:

Fatal error: Access level to EWRporta_ControllerPublic_Thread::_preDispatch() must be public (as in class EWRutiles_ControllerPublic_Thread) in /home/library/EWRporta/ControllerPublic/Thread.php on line 179

whenever i try to post a new post, nothing happens until i click "submit" which will give me that error again, but the post gets posted.

When i updated the "core" i also updated 2 addons, XenPorta and XenCarta

Does anyone know a good solution for this?
ok thanks, corrected the version number...
also, it seems to be the XenPortal which is the issue, i asked the dev about that error 3 days ago.. he haven't responded, even tho i know he saw it.. soo im not sure what to do.. :p
ok thanks, corrected the version number...
also, it seems to be the XenPortal which is the issue, i asked the dev about that error 3 days ago.. he haven't responded, even tho i know he saw it.. soo im not sure what to do.. :p
That issue is fixed in the most recent version of XenPorta. Make sure you keep an eye on the add-ons you have installed (there is a Watch Resource link below the download button) you can get e-mails or Alerts when new updates are released.

There was a recent update to XenCarta too. You should check you have the latest versions.
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