Not planned Update your User Status under your avatar anywhere on the site?


Well-known member
A great feature to have would be an easy way to update your status underneath our avatar icon anywhere it shows up on the site. I think one of the vbulletin plugins does this. Would be an easy and fun way to encourage more user activity and deeper engagement.
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You can change your status just by clicking your name in the header and typing right there. I don't see the need to have that same field everywhere else on the same page.
It doesn't "need" to be. The clean post looks a bit more, well, clean. Given the style anyways. Having a long status underneath of the username / usertitle would not look good.
But the status is buried in the member card. It needs to be under your avatar so people see it.
Its not buried. It help keeps the place clean while ensuring functionality. If you want to view a member's status, it's but one click away. You don't even have to leave the page :)
But the status is buried in the member card. It needs to be under your avatar so people see it.
It is only on the member card and profile page, by design. Having the status beneath the avatar would push the postbit area in the posts way out of whack.
It is only on the member card and profile page, by design. Having the status beneath the avatar would push the postbit area in the posts way out of whack.
Then how about make it so double clicking the current status on your card changes that to an editor which you can change your status right there? (memories of double click to edit thread title is popping back...)
A great feature to have would be an easy way to update your status underneath our avatar icon anywhere it shows up on the site. I think one of the vbulletin plugins does this. Would be an easy and fun way to encourage more user activity and deeper engagement.
If you mean having your current status "I'm liking Xenforo." in the post bit for everyone to see, I would not like that at all. Not only is it visual clutter, it would also cause all sorts of behavior issues "UR a ___", "I h8 ___", and of course there would not be anyway to control people using that to spam a site. Not just the nokia phones type spam, but also unpaid advertising, some sites require $ to talk about and advertise products.

Even worse would be if the member kept changing their status, which would really make it difficult to moderate a site.

  1. If bob sets his status to "Billy is a dingbat"
  2. Then Billy responds in an unkind way
  3. Then bob sets his status to "I like fish & chips"
  4. Then when a moderator comes online to see Billys unkind response, and not only are they confused, Billy might get in trouble for what he posted in #2.
Then how about make it so double clicking the current status on your card changes that to an editor which you can change your status right there? (memories of double click to edit thread title is popping back...)
Why? It's easy enough to go to the profile to change your status.
The member card is only for "quick view" of select info from the profile.
Why? It's easy enough to go to the profile to change your status.
The member card is only for "quick view" of select info from the profile.
Because its only quick if your keyboard have a home key, and can quickly go to top of page.
My MacBook keyboard does not have a home key, so going to the top of the page is not always convenient. If I happen to be some where on middle of a page, and I can see my avatar, then I can quickly click there and enter an update without having to scroll to the top.
It is only on the member card and profile page, by design. Having the status beneath the avatar would push the postbit area in the posts way out of whack.

UNLESS, you make a new postbit split horizontally with the user's avatar and status in the top half, and the post content in the bottom half. You could give people the option of using the new "postbit" or the "postbit_legacy".


But seriously, facebook only shows statuses on people's profiles, and then on "everybody's news feed" when somebody updates it. Not trying to make a comparison, but I don't hear people whining about not seeing member's statuses enough on facebook.
Because its only quick if your keyboard have a home key, and can quickly go to top of page.
My MacBook keyboard does not have a home key, so going to the top of the page is not always convenient. If I happen to be some where on middle of a page, and I can see my avatar, then I can quickly click there and enter an update without having to scroll to the top.
You don't have to scroll to the top of the page. Click on your avatar, and click the 'view profile page' link on it.
waa laa, you're at your profile, and can change your status.
You don't have to scroll to the top of the page. Click on your avatar, and click the 'view profile page' link on it.
waa laa, you're at your profile, and can change your status.
Why should I have to wait for an extra page to load when it can be done right at the spot? Fitts's law applies here, I'd think.
Why should I have to wait for an extra page to load when it can be done right at the spot? Fitts's law applies here, I'd think.
"Lazy" comes to mind. (said kiddingly). You'd certainly have to go to the profile if the member card didn't exist.

Seriously, why slow down the loading of the member card? Adding stuff like that to it, definitely would. It's meant to be a "quick" pop up to give you select profile info.
Nothing else.
I don't think it would slow things down by much. Member cards are loaded via ajax so we're not loading them on individual page loads (IE: view thread).

Adding the feature would require a few things:
JavaScript for functionality: Something in the js would be cached the first page that requires member card gets loaded.
In-line trigger: minimal, ondblclick="enable_mcard_status_update()"

Your member card currently is about 1560 bytes uncompressed. Adding the above mentioned in-line trigger would add only around 2.63% of data to be transferred, which is very negligible I'd say.
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