Fixed  "Unspecified error" when saving personal details + another bug at the same page


Well-known member

2-in-1 bug report:


I go to the "Personal details" page. Change the Gender. Click on the "Edit your privacy settings" link. Hit the back button to go back to the Personal details page. Save the page. -> "Unspecified error". Only in FireFox though. I always manage to reproduce it with the previous steps.


This only comes up with Chrome. Again: go to the "Personal details" page. Change the Gender. Click on the "Edit your privacy settings" link. Hit the back button to go back to the Personal details page. Notice that none of the genders is selected! Save the page. -> No matter what you selected previously, or what it was before, the gender gets set to unspecified. No error message when saving here.

(I only tried these two browsers.)
haha, i never realized, that there's a "edit your privacy settings" link

the button should be moved!
It's misplaced and john doe users don't know that they "lose" the changed inputs if they leaf the page without sending the form. (maybe overlay form?;) *scnr* (for kier: sorry could not resist = scnr)
Which version are you running?

There was a bug with gender changing in RC1 but that was fixed in RC2.
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