XF 1.4 Unreadable Text on Selected Account Item Dropdowns


Well-known member
I always run into this problem on light styles when the navigation bar is dark (e.g., #646464), but the sub-navigation bar is light (e.g., #F0F0F0).

When the username, Inbox, or Alert dropdowns are selected (when you're on /account), the text is unreadable:

KHF White 1.webp

I know what the problem is. It's because of this CSS I have:

.navTabs .navTab.PopupClosed .navLink {
    color: @secondaryDarker;

.navTabs .navTab.PopupClosed .navLink:hover {
    color: @secondaryDarker;

However, I need that for the navigation items in general, such as Members, including the account-related dropdowns when not on the account page, so I'm conflicted.

And I can sort of fix it, at least for the username, if I add this:

.navTabs .navTab.account .navLink .accountUsername {
    color: @contentText;

But then it's still that color even when the account dropdowns aren't selected, which I obviously don't want:

KHF White 2.webp

KHF White 3.webp
Last edited:
.navTabs .navTab.account .navLink
    /** color when the {username} is not selected **/
    color: #ffffff;

.navTabs .navTab.account.selected .navLink
    /** color when the {username} is selected **/
    color: #ffffff;
You're awesome!

Now, that took care of the username; how about Inbox? (Looks like Alerts defaults to the username, so we can ignore that one.)

KHF Convo.webp
Just replace .account with .inbox but I think this will most suitable code in your case
.navTabs .navTab .navLink
    /** normal tab link color **/
    color: red;

.navTabs .navTab.selected .navLink
    /** selected tab color **/
    color: blue;

.navTabs .navTab.PopupOpen .navLink
    /** tab color when the menu thing shows **/
    color: orange;
Looks like all I needed was this, actually, because it specifically targets the areas when they're selected and therefore doesn't affect them when I'm not on /account.

.navTabs .navTab.account.selected .navLink, .navTabs .navTab.inbox.selected .navLink {
    color: @contentText;

Thanks for the help!
I had to add the custom class to that one. :)

.KHFlare .navTabs .visitorTabs .selected .navLink {
    color: @contentText;

.KHFlare .navTabs .visitorTabs .selected .navLink:hover {
    color: @contentText;

Additionally, I have a specific CSS template for it on the light style and am calling it on the framework (same for the dark version, but for other stuff). :)
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