XF 1.5 Unable to ban user - Please enter a valid password

I am getting this error when I'm trying to ban users - even the main admin account


Nothing has changed recently, no new add-ons nothing.
How was this user created? Have you done anything that has created users outside of XenForo? How about any backup/restores?
Nothing has been changed the past month no add-ons I haven't even been logged on the moderators told me they couldn't ban people.
Some people it lets you ban straight away, others it comes up with that error - once you reset their password you can then change their usergroup, really strange

Edit: I thought perhaps it was because they Facebook signed up, but they are 'normal' members that registered normally.
Can you show the results you get for each query posted? It should indicate how many rows were inserted. (You can run them again.)
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