Fixed Typo in XenForo_DataWriter_User


Well-known member
In 'XenForo_DataWriter_User': line 54 'verifyUserid' should be 'verifyUserId'.

The same typo is also in XenForo_DataWriter_Follower (twice).
It's an error that relies on a language hack that could change in a future version of PHP. History suggests PHP is getting stricter and stricter with each release.

(Anyone remember what happened to vBulletin?) :rolleyes:
Functions (and classes) are defined to be case insensitive in PHP, so I'm not sure I'd call it a language hack but a bad decision. I can't imagine it would change unless they went the way of dropping backwards compatibility and then we'd have much more fundamental stuff to deal with (probably things like scalars as objects).

Regardless, I have changed this.
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