XF 1.5 Turnoff Subscribed Email by Default for Registered Users

Amin Sabet

Well-known member
From this XF 2.0 thread: https://xenforo.com/community/threa...email-by-default-for-registered-users.137214/

Is there a way to batch update all registered users to disable the "and receive email notification" option for the Automatically watch content preferences?

I've updated the default so that new user registrations still get content added to watch list but no emails by default but there are still hundreds of users that I would like to batch update to uncheck the receive email notifications option from.

Also, is there a way to remove current email subscriptions from threads? If not, disabaling new ones will work itself out over time.


These two queries should do it.

UPDATE xf_user_option
    creation_watch_state = 'watch_no_email',
    interaction_watch_state = 'watch_no_email'

UPDATE xf_thread_watch
    email_subscribe = '0'

Will those queries also work for XenForo 1.5?
UPDATE xf_user_option
SET default_watch_state = 'watch_no_email';

UPDATE xf_thread_watch
SET email_subscribe = '0';

Thanks, Mouth. Would you happen to know the queries to disable these for all existing users?
  • Receive news and update emails
  • Receive email when a new conversation message is received
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