XF 2.2 Trophy points ladder


Well-known member
I'm a little confused about the trophy points ladder. I have different user titles for each level reached. At the moment I have

"Well known member" at 45 points (which two people have reached).
"Fanatic" at 100 points (which one member is close to reaching).
"Legend" at 250 points
"Guru" at 500 points
"Choose own title" at 1000 points.

But - I'm not entirely sure how the trophy points are earned and if it's actually feasible for someone to get 1000 trophy points?! So are the points they've earned so far due to a combination of likes and number of messages? What dictates them earning further trophy points after they reach 100? And is 1000 actually reachable? Initially I thought those numbers were for the number of likes - but they're not. So how exactly are trophy points earned after the initial 100?
Thanks! Long story :) . New members joining will earn them. I'm on another site that did this for members they already knew from elsewhere. It's kind of frustratign for members with a lot of experience in a subject to start at the bottom again. And with a new forum it helps to have some experienced members who can have some credibility with new members.
Uh... give them a special group... and make them earn those trophies just like anyone else?

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Ok - I need to look at that, thank you. I wasn't aware you could have groups with different achievement levels. Or do you mean just give them different labels? Out of interest is there an option for graphics for tropies. Like an actual picture of a trophy rather than just text with points?
Incidentally, I meant to tell you, I had a similar Norton issue to you! My site was suddenly flagged with an orange exclamation mark as a caution - in Norton Safe Search. It said caution - this site has some small insecurities. I was furious. Had to contact Norton and tell them it most certainly does not - to get it removed. They said these things are automated but also said it would only be marked like that if people had left negative reviews about the site security on Norton. I think that is incorrect as there were no reviews on Norton about my site. I think their automated system was just overzealous.
These are a handful of members who helped me build up the forum from scratch. Although have to say they are not bothered about their titles really. And number of posts should get them up the ladder quicker anyway. If I set that as a criteria.
Ok - I need to look at that, thank you. I wasn't aware you could have groups with different achievement levels. Or do you mean just give them different labels? Out of interest is there an option for graphics for tropies. Like an actual picture of a trophy rather than just text with points?
You can set promotions based upon different items.

You need too look at all the fields it allows...
Lol my ladder is still not working as it should! I have one member who has only posted 11 messages and only has 12 reaction score, who has somehow gained over 100 points and gone straight in at a high level on the user ladder. With other members who have a lot more messages and reaction scores with less points and still at "Member" level. I can't see, in my criteria, how they can have gained over 100 points! The criteria are all based on number of messages or number of trophies. Unless - on one level it is ticked for "if user is logged in" - but if they get a load of points for that then everyone logged in should have the same.

I've given up.
With other members who have a lot more messages and reaction scores with less points and still at "Member" level.
The member level would be called the User Title Ladder which you can see here. It will be under the users menu in ACP. This is probably where you are getting confused. As you can see it can be assigned to either trophy points, messages, or reaction score.

user title ladder.webp
There should be a new add-on releasing in the future that allows you to do criteria-based title unlocks, with the ability for the user to select what title they use.
The member level would be called the User Title Ladder which you can see here. It will be under the users menu in ACP. This is probably where you are getting confused. As you can see it can be assigned to either trophy points, messages, or reaction score.

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Thank you. Yes I have it set to trophy points. Those are determined on the trophy ladder. I think I've got it sorted now (apart from the one new member who shot up to 100 trophy points and I'm not sure how :-)). Just left that.

Is it possible to add graphics? So as well as a title they get a visual trophy as well?
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