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Top Contributors Leaderboard 1.1.3

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Thank you again but now I see an another the problem.. When looking the page then "Viewing unknown page" on membercards or member profiles. You'd try it and see that problem.

Oh I see what you mean - where it says user was last seen:...
thanks, I'll fix that.
Can Top Contributors Leaderboard be the default page when someone clicks on the Members Tab ?
The alphabetical list (Xenforo default) is useless.
Can Top Contributors Leaderboard be the default page when someone clicks on the Members Tab ?
The alphabetical list (Xenforo default) is useless.

The only way I can think of to do that is to edit the navigation template, best to do it to a child style though in case you want to revert it,
in the members section replace

<a href="{$tabs.members.href}" class="navLink">{$tabs.members.title}</a>
<a href="{$tabs.members.href}" class="SplitCtrl" rel="Menu"></a>


<a href="{xen:link 'top-users'}" class="navLink">{$tabs.members.title}</a>
<a href="{xen:link 'top-users'}" class="SplitCtrl" rel="Menu"></a>
See if this works:
Edit the file library/TopUsers/TopUsers.php

Find the line near the bottom
$returnData['month_str'] = date('F-Y',$fromDate);

try replacing it with
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'tr_TR');
$returnData['month_str'] = strftime('%B %Y',$fromDate);

if that doesn't work you can display a number instead of a month name with
$returnData['month_str'] = date('m-Y',$fromDate);

Well that's not working after upgrade.. :)
Is there a manual way to perform the cron job somewhere or such to test how the server and sql reacts to the addon ?
Hmm. I only ask because I am seeing members on my site adding post after post etc. Does it count posts and reply's or just new posts?
Hmm. I only ask because I am seeing members on my site adding post after post etc. Does it count posts and reply's or just new posts?
it counts all posts made by a user whether that is posting a new thread or posting a reply to a thread
I could add some more info at the bottom like whether the cache was updated when loading the page and how long the query took if that would be useful.
That would be awesome. Would help quite a bit I think. I really just need to know how taxing it might be on server. I am a small forum for NOW.
Can we select, what user groups to choose from? For example, I don't want banned or staff members to include.
Nice add-on any news in term of productivity on large sites. Also can we see a widget for this in the widget framework.
Great idea by the way!
edit: I will also love to see an option to exclude a group from the list or even members
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