The idea for that in the first place was to match users that reply with a lot of content (then the ToggleTriggerAnchor is fixed) or even if some one have an avatar it looks fine.
But when a user give a **** reply (hi, thanks for the info) the "ToggleTriggerAnchor" simply stuck in the middle.
I am looking for a solution for that manner.
With larger minimum height it takes also members with Avatars way way below and it looks very non esthetic
A minimum height will push it down for posts with little content but won't take effect for posts with lots of content which cause the container to be higher than it.
A minimum height will push it down for posts with little content but won't take effect for posts with lots of content which cause the container to be higher than it.
Where is the best place to adjust the minimum message height? I did it in styles properties/message elements/message text - but that also affects the member profile.