ToDo-List (ToDo2) [Deleted]

Drag n drop for the order.
Tabs for certain statuses, so that you can have tabs for 'scheduled', 'in process', 'completed'
Basically make XenTrello.
Hey @au lait signed up for the demo, thanks for that as it's a huge help to find out more on the plugins. Easy process too :D

Regarding this, I do have some suggestions. I'd maybe sign up for a site like Asana as it's a really nice clean to-do list of sorts
Basic setup, and when you click an item you have a lot of options:



Some initial suggestions:
  • Drag and drop to order the items, little icon on the left that will left you move them around just like the node sorting
  • I feel like you should be able to click each item and expand with more detail. I think you should be able to:
    • Assign an item to a user
    • Upload attachments
    • Comment on the item
    • Set a due date on item
  • You should be able to add new items without having to edit the entire project
  • Sections would be nice on a per project basis (again easily created on the main page without going into edit the entire project

Just some initial thoughts on, keep up the great work :)

Thank you for all your ideas/suggestions. Due to lack of time it will take some time until I get one or the other implemented. But find your ideas great.
Why can't you assign an item to a user? This seems like a pretty important part to have. I want my staff to be able to tag a task as "his". And some tasks, for example designer tasks, I want to tag to a certain staff member, and that should be clearly visible.

Can this please be added ASAP? :) @au lait
Is it possible to add a entry to the staff bar at the top? For me, this addon handles staff related duties ONLY, and I'd prefer to move it out of the main navigation, and into the staff bar at the top.


How can I do that?
ETA on the great suggestions from Russ?
No, I'm afraid not. My todo list is long.

Why can't you assign an item to a user? This seems like a pretty important part to have. I want my staff to be able to tag a task as "his". And some tasks, for example designer tasks, I want to tag to a certain staff member, and that should be clearly visible.

Can this please be added ASAP? :) @au lait
Within a ToDo, tasks cannot be assigned to a user. But a complete ToDo.

Is it possible to add a entry to the staff bar at the top? For me, this addon handles staff related duties ONLY, and I'd prefer to move it out of the main navigation, and into the staff bar at the top.


How can I do that?

Activate the Debug Mode
admin.php?navigation/ - disable ToDo from the Nav


search for
#<a href="{{ base_url\('admin.php'\) }}" class="p-staffBar-link" target="_blank">{{ phrase\('admin'\) }}<\/a>\s*<\/xf:if>#is

<a href="{{ link('todo') }}" class="p-staffBar-link">{{ phrase('nav.todo') }}</a>
No, I'm afraid not. My todo list is long.

Within a ToDo, tasks cannot be assigned to a user. But a complete ToDo.

Activate the Debug Mode
admin.php?navigation/ - disable ToDo from the Nav


search for
#<a href="{{ base_url\('admin.php'\) }}" class="p-staffBar-link" target="_blank">{{ phrase\('admin'\) }}<\/a>\s*<\/xf:if>#is

<a href="{{ link('todo') }}" class="p-staffBar-link">{{ phrase('nav.todo') }}</a>

Thanks. How can I get the red number(s) to appear when you have open assignments? (like if you get a report, it will show a red number on the mod bar icon).

Also, having it with a drop down, so you have the sub-navigation entry for "solved to-do's", like in the main navigation.
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