[tLk] ReadPC

[tLk] ReadPC 1.1.0

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We are continuously getting max connection errors on our site, (50k+ users per day), and the server admins pointed us to this query in your add-on, which is taking around 20 seconds to complete:

                               SELECT conversation_master.*,
                                        conversation_recipient.recipient_state, conversation_recipient.last_read_date
                                FROM xf_conversation_user AS conversation_user
                                INNER JOIN xf_conversation_master AS conversation_master ON
                                        (conversation_user.conversation_id = conversation_master.conversation_id)
                                INNER JOIN xf_conversation_recipient AS conversation_recipient ON
                                        (conversation_user.conversation_id = conversation_recipient.conversation_id
                                        AND conversation_user.owner_user_id = conversation_recipient.user_id)
                                LEFT JOIN xf_user AS conversation_starter ON
                                        (conversation_starter.user_id = conversation_master.user_id)
                                ORDER BY conversation_user.last_message_date DESC
                         LIMIT 40;

I've attached some screenshots.

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I patched it to only pull conversations from the past week. I think adding a time limit to the conversations would be a good improvement, defaulting to a month or a week, and allowing the user to input from/to dates to see more messages. Thanks!
I patched it to only pull conversations from the past week. I think adding a time limit to the conversations would be a good improvement, defaulting to a month or a week, and allowing the user to input from/to dates to see more messages. Thanks!

Thanks for sharing your solution with me and everyone.

I didnt send any update my this add-on since 2012. So, of course, there can be some compatibility and speed problems.

I answered lately because I am on holiday now (5th-22th July). After finishing, *maybe* i can re-write add-on. I think, it needs be fully re-written for full compatibility on 1.5.x series.

Thank you for your understanding

Best wishes
M Sami
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It actually works just fine in 1.5.x, except that on very large boards with hundreds of thousands of conversations, it takes 20+ seconds to query all conversations. For now this will do for us, as our moderator stays on top of conversations and only needs a week's worth at a time. I can add the textboxes to allow him to search dates in the future if he requests it. Thanks!
I have some little issue with it however. I don't know if it's my forums or this add-on. It gives me options to browse 174 pages while only 93 of them contains conversations. Pages 94-174 are blank. How to fix this?
same problem here, only see conversation on 1-5 page, page 6-7 its blank.
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