Thread Thumbnail by AddonsLab

Thread Thumbnail by AddonsLab [Paid] 2.13.0

No permission to buy ($29.99)
So in this post i read that its implemented on the search result page. But in the main description its stating that its upcoming in a future release. Can you tell us what it is? Also, will we see this on the tags pages to?

Yes, search page is supported, the information on the main page was outdated.

We will review the possibility of adding to tags page as well and release an update soon.

Thank you!
Glad to be of help. Ill wait for a compatible 2.2 version with the tags page included.
Also, i have seen a question if its possible to make a square instead of a circle. (for me in v2.2) I don't see a answer anywhere. Is it possible and if yes, how? Thank you.
Sorry, i found out that i can change avatars from circle to square in the settings of xenforo itself. So when will the compatible 2.2 version be released (with the tags page added ;))? In the overview (Compatible XF 2.x versions) it is still not saying 2.2 compatible so i was wondering.
AddonsLab updated Thread Thumbnail by AddonsLab with a new update entry:

Thumbnails squeezed for users without permission to edit the thumbnail

This release fixes UI bug with thread thumbnails being squeezed. The issue would be visible only for users without permission to update the thumbnail of a given thread (e.g. guests).

The new version is available for all licensed customers at

Thank you!

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Does this work with latest XF?

Does it set the thumbnail as the logo.og image for the threads, so we could then share the link on social and it gets the nice preview image?
Does this work with latest XF?

Does it set the thumbnail as the logo.og image for the threads, so we could then share the link on social and it gets the nice preview image?

Yes, it does work with XenForo 2.2, we have updated the dependency list now.

It updates the OG image meta tag with the same thumbnail as shown in the thread list, so you get that image when sharing on social networks.


what does the thumbnail look like if we don't purchase the extra "remove branding"

The thumbnail looks the same, you just have the branding on the bottom of your website, as can be seen on our demo board at


Thank you!
welp, consider this another license sold! Getting mine now.

For anyone who wants to leverage their social media following, sharing pics with BIG previews is exactly one way to get readers to notice your content and on to your forums.
I uploaded a pic that is 840x480 and inserted it into a thread.

When sharing it on FB, the thumbnail does appear, but it is NOT using the large image in the preview, so it doesn't really look good on social.

How can I force it to use the big preview pics?

That is pretty much the only reason I bought this...
AddonsLab updated Thread Thumbnail by AddonsLab with a new update entry:

Bug-fix: thumbnail is used in thread metadata instead of full image

This release fixes a bug with the image in thread metadata being the thumbnail instead of the full version, which would cause lower quality preview image when the thread is shared on social media.

The new version is available for all licensed customers at -

Thank you!

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I uploaded a pic that is 840x480 and inserted it into a thread.

When sharing it on FB, the thumbnail does appear, but it is NOT using the large image in the preview, so it doesn't really look good on social.

How can I force it to use the big preview pics?

That is pretty much the only reason I bought this...

The issue is fixed now, you can download the package at

Thank you!
Hey @AddonsLab - when we upload an image to be used as the thumbnail for social shares and thread list display, we don't always need to embed the attachment IN the thread.

Can we have a setting to NOT display the list of attachments at the bottom of the thread?

This way the uploaded image is used for your addon purposes, but not sitting at the bottom of each thread for no reason.

Sometimes we simply don't need to embed the image in the article, but it still serves a purpose on social media.

AddonsLab updated Thread Thumbnail by AddonsLab with a new update entry:

New option - Hide thumbnail in attachments

In this release, we have created a new option called "Hide thumbnail in attachments".

With the option enabled the attachment which is used as a thumbnail will not be shown in the Attachments block under its post.

The new version is available for all licensed customers

Thank you!

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