Thread move reveals all nodes


Well-known member

When moving a forum thread, my mods can see the full list of nodes as values in the drop-down destination. How can I correct this so that they can only see i) forum nodes, not page nodes etc. and ii) nodes for which they do not have mod access

I just tested this. Restricted nodes (which the user cannot access) do not show in the list of target forums.

Non-forum nodes show but are grayed out because you can't move a thread to a non-forum node. You can change this by editing this template:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> thread_fields_move

You can see it adds a "disabled" attribute for non-forum nodes:

		<select name="node_id" id="ctrl_node_id" class="textCtrl selectForum">
		<xen:foreach loop="$nodeOptions" value="$node">
			<option value="{$node.node_id}" {xen:selected '{$node.node_id} == {$firstThread.node_id}'}
				{xen:if "{$node.node_type_id} != 'Forum'", 'disabled="disabled"'}>{xen:string repeat, '&nbsp; ', $node.depth}{$node.title}</option>

That is the relevant code. You can change it however you want.
That is the relevant code. You can change it however you want.


I changed it to:

        <select name="node_id" id="ctrl_node_id" class="textCtrl selectForum">
        <xen:foreach loop="$nodeOptions" value="$node">
<xen:if is="{$node.node_type_id} == 'Forum'">
            <option value="{$node.node_id}" {xen:selected '{$node.node_id} == {$firstThread.node_id}'}>{xen:string repeat, '&nbsp; ', $node.depth}{$node.title}</option>
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