XF 2.0 This content will show in thread x


Active member
what instead this in xf2

<xen:if is="{$thread.thread_id} == x">
This content will show in thread x
<xf:if is="{$__globals.template} != 'login' AND {$__globals.template} != 'error' AND $thread.thread_id != 27053">
does not work for threads any suggestions
i use advertising can you merge this he work fine
<xf:if is="$thread.thread_id == 27053">
<xf:if is="{$__globals.template} != 'login' AND {$__globals.template} != 'error'">

I'm not super familiar with the advertising templates, but I wouldn't expect $thread is available inside of them. Someone else may know better though.
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