XF 2.0 There are more posts to display


Well-known member
This one is driving me nuts. :(

I've extended actionAddReply in the public thread controller. And extended the thread entity with info from my own table.

Now, with the entity extension enabled, after 2 or 3 replies the "There are more posts to display" message appears. Even when I'm the only one posting in the thread.

If I disable the thread entity extension, it doesn't happen. The only thing it's doing is adding a relation to my table.

I haven't seen this happen until now and I can't seem to find a cause for it. Any ideas?
A little more info, the first unshown post is always the last post I posted.

It's as if the js isn't updating the last_date field in the quick reply form after posting.

EDIT: I've commented out my actionAddReply function and even with that it still happens. It all seems to stem around the entity extension. Still looking on my own, but without success.
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Holy geez louise...

I have far too much on my plate. I forgot I have a modified version of the js running for this add-on. The problem was in there.
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