The Ladies' Lounge

I am finally playing with a trial install of XF.

1. How do I put content in a Page? I mean I've created a Page but it's blank.
There's a box in the Edit Page form called "Template HTML:" but if I put a few test words in it it says it doesn't recognise the template.

2. Border colours
- how edit the border colour of the avatar image without affecting other colours? - that is, where is this in the Style Properties? I found a section for avatars but it's a bit bewildering.
- also the breadcrumb bar border colour?
(both these are pale blue on here)
Okay, for a page, you have to create the content in a html document.
In the boxes,
the first one I put the lowercase of what I want the page to be.
I have my avatars on a page so this is what I did:
URL Portion: avatars
Title: Avatars
Description: Avatars to Use
Parent Node: I stuck mine under Chat & Testing
And then I pasted in my html
And I wanted to log the number of people who visited the page.
And hit enter.
FWIW, The error you see when editing the Template HTML is a bug I've just fixed. Just paste HTML into there and ignore the inline error for now.
Thank you Elizabeth Brogan Kier and Shelley on previous page!

Elizabeth I do love your tagline. I've just been mediating one of those tiresome squabbles where a hardline atheist keeps insisting on proof and the religious insist they've given it. Both equally off the wall in my opinion.
For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible.
Thanks everyone. Actually I am still waiting on the secondary but we, the surgeon's office and my husband and I decided to go ahead and if we end up owing at the end, we will work out payments.
I hope it all gets worked out quickly for you, so you don't have to worry about all that as well as recovering from the surgery!
Dragonfly your Xenique site is gorgeous. I also think your line re unique fantastique = xenique could have a promine t place - it's cute!
Dragonfly your Xenique site is gorgeous. I also think your line re unique fantastique = xenique could have a promine t place - it's cute!

Thanks very much Shanj :) Feel free to join up and say Hello if you like :D

I will probably make a banner at some stage with that slogan on it ... just a million things to do :D

Hope you are well :)
Good Luck, Liz! Sorry for my absence here - we've been busy trying to keep up with our site while finishing up the kitchen bits. Hope everyone else is well.

It's going! It's almost done, matter of fact. It's been a lot of days spent outside finishing countertops (wood countertops dyed black with India Ink, then sealed with Waterlox), and getting all the little niggly bits done.

Plus, there was the whole day and a half given over to making kids' Halloween costumes. We always make costumes rather than buying them. This year, we had a witch princess and a robot/android.



You can't see it in that picture, but the girl has an amethyst crystal that Tigger rigged up to glow with LED lights run by a battery pack. She has it in her little pouch. Her brother once again won in the costume contest, and she didn't even place this year. :( Last year, they both placed - he as a pirate, and she as a cat.

BUT, the important part is that we all had fun, and she had a great attitude about it though I could tell she was disappointed. Anyway, I'll see if I can post some pictures of the kitchen later on.

What's everyone else been up to? Shanj? Peggy? How's the girls?

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